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University of Western Ontario



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Student Leadership Team

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My name is Bishoi Aziz. I am a first year internal medicine resident at Western University. I am also a third year PhD student at Paediatrics Gastroenterology Division, University of Alberta. My PhD projects studies creating diagnostic and prognostic AI tools for ulcerative colitis, a nasty autoimmune disease that hits the colon. I also have a past experience in student leadership as pervious VP Academic then President of the University of Alberta Graduate Students’ Association (GSA).

As a researcher, I witnessed how AI technology continues to take leaps of progress especially over the past few years. On the other hand, the field of healthcare continues to lag behind in adopting AI in a meaningful way. One of the main reasons is that physicians and computer scientists speaks completely two different language. Therefore, I hope that by creating AIMSS, we can start bridging this gap between the two worlds by targeting the new generations of trainees from both fields.

Bishoi Aziz



Coming Soon!

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